Dr. Dawid Cloete

What is Mindfulness?

One definition of MF:

To be purposefully focusing on the experience of the present moment (conscious effort and intention) with an open mind, being non-judgmental to whatever is present (whether good, bad or neutral), being curious like a child and having a kind caring approach.

The methods used to achieve MF awareness, varies from focusing on the movement of breathing as an anchor to the present moment, focusing on different parts of the body in succession or mindful movement.

Mindfulness is a way of relating with your inner world, finding poise and balance having confidence and clarity and being whole: heart-mind-body in harmony with each other and then having the ability, from this position of integrity , to connect and respond creatively to the outer world.

To be mindful is part of our genetics (inheritance) and is a natural spontaneous experience in childhood and on occasion in adulthood. Unfortunately, this ability has been unlearned because of unknowingly neglecting to acknowledge and cultivate it.

Having explained above, Mindfulness is not an end point, like saying “Now I have arrived!”

It is rather an adventurous journey into your own universe of consciousness. There are infinite possibilities of experiencing!

With practice and discipline, one might find your own unique experience of being Mindful in the moment. Sometimes a sudden mindful moment just finds you unexpectedly. At other times it feels as if all is in vain. But never lose hope. Realise that each breath is another chance to land in the moment. Patience and trust will pay off!

My Mindfulness Programs